Kindergarten and Junior School

Welcome to Junior School admissions

Applying for Kindergarten or Prep 1

Prospective parents are warmly invited to come for a visit, to discover what makes Campbell College Kindergarten and Junior School so unique.  Please contact Miss Amanda Morrow (Junior School’s Admissions Secretary) to arrange an appointment. We recommend that tours are scheduled during term time, to enable visitors to experience our setting in operation. 

Entry to other Year Groups

Enquiries should be directed to Miss Morrow.  A visit will be arranged, providing there is a place available in the relevant Year Group and that an application form has been submitted in advance. 

It is important to note that Campbell College Junior School does not accept entry to Prep 6 and Prep 7 for children who are currently attending a school in Northern Ireland. 

Should the desired Year Group be full

Prospective parents may wish to submit an application form, which will enable their child to be added to our Waiting List.  Should a place in the desired Year Group subsequently become available, Miss Morrow will make contact.  Only at this stage will a tour be arranged.  

Enquiries for Kindergarten & Junior School places should be directed to the Junior School Admissions Secretary,  Miss Amanda Morrow.  
Tel: +44 (0) 2890 763076  Email: