Parent Partnership
We believe that parents play a vital role in their children’s education. A close partnership between home and school is something we greatly value and are keen to nurture, through:
- Communicating with parents regarding their children’s progress and how best to support them.
Information and guidance is communicated via Induction Events, Curriculum Meetings, Parentmail, the Junior Journal newsletter and the College Website, with regular updates on individual pupil progress being shared through Parent Consultations in the Autumn and Spring Terms, Effort Cards and written Progress Reports at the end of the Christmas and Summer Terms
- Consulting with parents regarding the quality of our provision and ideas for school improvement.
This is facilitated via parent surveys, panels and focus group discussions. Feedback is also communicated via our Parent Campbellian Committee and Parent Forum.
- Involving parents in the life of our school.
Parents help to strengthen our community at Campbell through their involvement as Governors, Parent Campbellians and parent helpers, and through their support of family events.