
  •       Mr Robin Morrow (Head of Department)
  •       Mr J McNerlin
  •       Mr Robert Robinson (Headmaster)
  •       Mr J Smyth
  •       Mr P Wilde (Technician)

Chemistry is the linking science that asks questions about materials, the differences between them, how they react with one another and how heat or other forms of energy affect them. What are the things around you made of? What happens when fuels burn? How is margarine made? What can Chemists do to help the planet for the future? All these questions are of interest to Chemists.



The aims of the department are to deliver the curriculum using a range of innovative teaching strategies reinforced by both investigative tasks and practical activities. There are many ways to teach and many ways to learn. Unsurprisingly, then, there is no single teaching-style in the Chemistry Department. Teachers are encouraged to develop their delivery in ways with which they are comfortable, and to adapt their methods to the varying needs of our boys.
In-service training encourages teachers to become confident in the use of technology to deliver their subjects in varied and interesting ways, and to share with colleagues their experiences of different approaches. The department works well together as a team and are happy to share learning styles and assist each other in developing interesting and up to date techniques. A wide range of worksheets and internet links and presentations are available on the shared area of the School network.
The Chemistry Department strives to:

  •        promote the best habits of independent thought, learning, and research in its boys
  •        deliver broad-based and relevant Chemistry courses designed to enable all boys to discover their  strengths, and to make the most of their talents within Campbell and beyond


At Key Stage 3, in Years 8 to 10, the following topics are covered:

  •        Physical and Chemical Changes
  •        Separating Mixtures
  •        Matter and Particles
  •        Sorting Elements and Compounds
  •        Using the Earth’s Resources
  •        Reactivity series of Metals
  •        Acids and Alkalis

At Key Stage 4, pupils may choose to study either CCEA Chemistry as a separate science or as part of CCEA non-modular Double Award Science or Single Award science.  At AS and A2 level, the Examination Board is CCEA. 

For GCSE course content, click here

For A Level course content, click here

Facilities and resources

Campbell College has four Chemistry laboratories. In addition, the Department has well-stocked preparation rooms, and smaller rooms with particular functions, such as storage of dry, wet and hazardous materials. All Chemistry teachers have their own laboratories, which combine a desk area for class teaching, and bench space for practical work. The bench areas have a full range of services. This arrangement allows great flexibility both in terms of room layout, and in use of time, with the transition between practical and theoretical activity able to be made very quickly.
Safety is a major concern in modern science teaching. All our staff has received appropriate safety training, and a wide range of safety-related equipment, such as extractor fans and fume cupboards (two in fixed cupboards in each Chemistry lab), is in use.
All the Chemistry laboratories are equipped with data projectors and a networked computer for easy use of IT, including Internet access and electronic data logging.

