Digital Technology & Computing
Head of Department: Mrs M Debbadi
Staff List: Mr A Templeton, Mr D McShane, Ms J Reid, Miss L McMullan, Mr L Dunbar
"ICT is not the future of our children’s education, it is the present and we need to make investment in ICT now!"
- National Association of Advisors for Computer in Education
We aim to make the investment in our student’s technological capabilities early in their post primary careers to ensure they can harness the magic of technology spoken of my Arthur C. Clarke many years ago.
Students are presented with discrete IT / Computing classes from year 8, have the opportunity to attain Digital Skills badges awarded by CCEA and entry level qualifications in Computer Science at the end of Key Stage 3.
From Key Stage 4 onwards pupils have the opportunity to progress down a multimedia or programming career pathway through study of either Digital Technology: Multimedia or Digital Technology: Programming at GCSE level, followed by the option of study of either Computer Science or Digital Technology at AS and A2 level.
Experiences in the IT world do not just stop at classroom experiences. We offer many after school experiences through extra-curricular Cyber Security, Robotics and Programming clubs. Additional, pupils are afforded opportunities to meet adults from the industry through the hosting of careers seminars, workshops and competition entries via our extensive links in the wider community.
What makes studying Digital Technology at CCB different?
The networking system established between the department and past-pupils of school makes the subject relatable and allows us to link our studies to a real-world working environment.
(Max McDermott)The line of support and the open door policy employed by the teachers in the department make study of this subject accessible to all students.
(Matthew Caves)
Why study Digital Technology?
Current statistics show an increasing gap in the IT / Computer Science industry in Northern Ireland. Skills in the Computer Science currently the highest area of demand in Northern Ireland and the sectors is forecast to grow considerably over the next 5-10 years.
Salaries in the IT / Computing industry average 61% higher than other industries with thousands of jobs being out sourced to other areas each year because the employment market in NI cannot meet the demands of the industry.
How can you progress in the IT / Computing Industry?
Careers in the IT / Computing offer you the opportunity to work in many different global industries.
Students can progress into the IT / Computing industry by following a number of post-16 pathways, including: -
- Full Time or Part Time degrees in a range of specialist areas
- Foundation degrees in a range of specialist areas
- Higher level apprenticeships which offer on-the-job training whilst earning your degree
Following the completion of their formal qualifications there are many niche areas for students to progress into as young adults. Some of these areas include: -
- Computer Programming
- Software Developer
- Software Engineer
- Hardware Engineer
- Systems Manager
- Database Administrator
- IT architect
- Network Administrator
- Cyber Security