

Name of Department: Geography
Head of Department: Mrs C Irwin

Staff List
Mr H J McKinney
Mrs K Sheppard
Mr G Fry
Mr R McMaster

Mrs E Reynolds


Geography is one of the largest departments in the School. All students in Year 8-10 study Geography, following a 3-year course that takes them through the basics of this varied subject. 

Following this introduction nearly half of our students continue the subject to GCSE, and a significant proportion of students study Geography at AS and A Level.

We study CCEA Geography at GCSE and A Level as this local exam board makes best use of our students' knowledge and helps to develop their knowledge and understanding of local as well as global issues. 

Aims of the Department

The study of Geography aims to develop an awareness of societies and environments around the world and to recognise the challenges that we face. It should build a broad, coherent, satisfying and worthwhile knowledge of the World around us and to help students to learn to make informed decisions about their role in it. It also aims to teach students to be critical thinkers with enquiring minds and to become effective and independent learners.

The Geography department also aims to develop in each boy:

●      an interest in people, places and processes

●      a sense of enquiry

●      the ability to work effectively with others

●      a desire and ability to work to the maximum of his potential 

The Geography department makes use of ICT to enhance learning across the age range. There is a great emphasis on the use of thinking skills, and decision-making plays a part in learning in the Geography classrooms.

Geography can also provide excellent training for a variety of careers, for example

Urban Planning, Environmental Management, Teaching, Surveying, Architecture, Research, Journalism, Cartography, GIS applications, IT, Business, Weather forecasting, Hydrography. The study of Geography also promotes the development of many transferrable skills across the global job market.