Medical Centre
The College Matron, Mrs Eunice Hoey, is on duty in the medical centre from 8.30am-4.00pm daily. Matron will make contact with parents if a boy is ill and needs collected from school, boys should not make contact with home themselves.
The School Doctor visits the College a minimum of three times each week and the boarders’ medical welfare is overseen by the School Matron from our Medical Centre where she is on duty each day from 8.00am to 4.30pm.
The Doctors’ practice is a 5 minute taxi ride away and appointments are prioritised for our boarders. The Resident Boarding Assistant provides additional 24 hour medical cover. They have all achieved the St John’s Ambulance First Aid Training at Work certification having attended and passed a 4 day course. The College is also very conveniently located within 3 miles of the Ulster Hospital Accident and Emergency Department.