Pastoral Care
We believe that pupils learn best when they are happy, safe and secure; the purpose of our pastoral care is to provide such an environment. The strong, caring ethos of the college is demonstrated by its commitment to the welfare of the pupils and staff.
All boys are allocated a personal tutor who is the first point of contact for parents. You will find more information regarding pastoral care in our Parent Guide to Pastoral Care which will be sent to you once your son takes up his place at Campbell College.
Safeguarding and Child Protection
The College's Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy contains guidance on how parents may make known any concerns they have about their, or another child's safety.
The Designated Teacher for Child Protection is Mr W Keown (Vice-Principal). The Deputy Designated Teachers for Child Protection are Mr C McIvor (Head of Key Stage 3), Mrs W Pearson (Boarding Tutor and Head of Home Economics) and Mrs R McNaught (Head of Modern Languages). If you have any concerns, please contact a member of this team via the College switchboard – 028 9076 3076. Outside of hours, or outside of term, please use the contact numbers provided in the ‘Safeguarding Contact Numbers’ document below.
The Designated Governor for Child Protection is Mr R Hassard.
A copy of this Policy is accessible below; alternatively, a printed copy is available from Front of House on request.