Results & Achievements

Click on the drop down options below to view our A Level and GCSE Results! 

“The core ethos at Campbell College is centred around celebrating the individual. We have always measured our success in terms of how each pupil improves and progresses on his own individual academic journey. League tables listing results and percentage of A*–C grades are one dimensional and do not tell the whole story. The real story of how a school delivers should be judged by many factors – both academic and pastoral.

"Pastorally, a child should be happy and safe. Academically, schools should be measured by how the individual pupil progresses. This must take into consideration where a pupil starts academically, as well as where they finish. As a College that is only 70% academically selective, we are proud to have a broad intake and measure our success on the value we add to each pupil. Our report cards are geared to the individual and measure his performance against his potential – not just against his peers.

“In order to compare schools effectively and understand the quality and impact of teaching provision, there is an increased recognition across the UK as to the use of ‘Value Added’ measurements. These allow ‘like for like’ comparisons to be made. Using CAT test results – a standardised test carried out in schools throughout the UK – we have been working with education bodies to establish a system that will track each pupil’s academic progression from CAT scores in Year 8 and Year 11 to actual performance at GCSE.

“The 2018 GCSE results represent the first cohort to be measured in this way and the results are interesting to see. The statistics demonstrate how our total cohort of pupils have added at least one grade at GCSE from their predictions provided by earlier CAT testing. A testament to our teachers and the difference they make to each individual. “We should not be judging success solely on A*–C %. The real story is always more than one dimensional.”

Robert Robinson, MBE



Click on the drop down options above to view our A Level and GCSE Results!